
DAY ONE - Indian Formals

  1. 8:30 am: Registration Desk Opens
  2. 9:00 am: Opening Ceremony
  3. 10:30 am: Committee Session 1
  4. 12:00 noon: Lunch
  5. 1:15 PM: Committee Session 2
  6. 3:45 PM: Tea Break
  7. 4:15 PM: Committee Session 3
  8. 5:30 PM: End of Day 1

DAY TWO - Western Formals

  1. 8:30 AM: Security Check
  2. 9:00 AM: Committee Session 1
  3. 12:00 Noon: Lunch
  4. 1:15 PM: Committee Session 2
  5. 3:30 PM: Tea Break
  6. 3:45 PM: Committee Session 3
  7. 4:45 PM: Awards Ceremony
  8. 6:00 PM: End of Conference

Background Guides

UN Security Council UNGA DISEC Human Rights Council Historical Crisis Committee Lok Sabha International Press Corps